Yarn Miser The Edited Version

Sometimes I just hate Blogger! It has been brought to my attention that this previous post was, well to put it bluntly, screwed up. The font was not viewing correctly for everyone, I had several people ask me what was up with the ambulances (this was thanks to the font Webdings). So I am posting it again so everyone can have the pleasure of reading what I wrote. Oh, and if you are using Internet Explorer I am sorry you have to view my blog in such a screwed up format. Apparently Blogger is not IE friendly.

I have decided that I am a yarn miser. I was recently going through my stash looking for yarn to part with for a yarn swap and I came across this skein of yarn......now wait a second am I sure this is a skein of yarn or is it tinsel garland for my Christmas tree? Yes it is a skein of No Boundries yarn from Walmart and the name of it is Cher! I don't know what possessed me to buy this yarn but something in me just won't let it go. Why is that? Anyway, I continued looking through my stash looking for yarn to swap and I am having a heck of a time trying to part with any of my yarn. Its not that my stash is so small that if I trade some of it it will really make a difference.(yes I said trade.....so I will end up with the same amount of yarn I started with). And its not like I can't afford to go out and replace what I give away.

So what is the big deal. You would think I was being asked to give away my first born child. I mean come on, what in the heck am I ever going to use this skein of yarn for? If I try to make a scarf out of it everyone will think I have lost my mind. Picture me in a green sweater wearing the scarf around my neck and a pair of those jingle bell earrings and christmas bulb necklace on. The kids in the neighborhood will be whispering to their moms...."Mom, why is that lady decorating herself like a Christmas tree?"

So that is why I have decided that I am a yarn miser. Please tell me that I am not alone. I really am beginning to think I have a sickness.


Anonymous said...

buy some yarn that you hate, so you can trade it for yarn that you love. probably everyone else will hate it too tho. just keep trading for yarn just a bit better.

Anonymous said...

When I do yarn swaps, I make sure it's something I can replace - or I buy 3 or 4 skeins so I don't feel....deprived. I understand where you're coming from!

Anonymous said...

I LOVE that tinsel yarn! Gimme, gimmme! I'd get some black yarn and knit the two together. Verrry elegant for a special date with a special someone or just to feel glamorous. I could never swap yarn. I want ALL of it! LOL

Christine Ritchey