If At First You Don't Succeed.....

....Try and Try again!

My attempt to knit socks is kicking my butt, but I haven't give up yet. I have frogged them twice and I am on my 3rd attempt, but this time I am armed and ready to tackle them! I WILL CONQUER THIS FEAT!!!

I am determinded to make a pair of socks, although I do have to say that working with dpn's are a challenge. I was so frustrated by the second time I frogged them that if anyone had been around, they probably would have taken off running in the opposite direction. So I have given myself a couple of days to regroup and put together my plan of attack. I am by no means an expert knitter. I have been crocheting for years and just taught myself to knit a couple of years ago.

I found this website (click the word website to view) and I am going to use it to guide me through my first pair of socks. If this doesn't work then I will be heading to our local senior center to see if anyone there would like to help me.

I am almost finished with the Sweetpea sweater for my niece and the shawl for my mother-in-law.

I just purchased a yarn winder and put it to work. I can't believe I have lived without this for so long!! I also placed an order for the One Skein book.

On a positive note.....during my frustration my creative juices started to flow and I came up with something and it involves recycling. I can't tell you what it is yet because I have to test it out to see if it is going to work. As soon as I have tried it I will take pics and tell you how it's done.

I am off with my weapons in hand to conquer those socks!! Wish me luck!!

1 comment:

sheep#100 said...

You'll conquer the socks. Then you'll need a sock bag (see my blog) to carry them!