Get Ready To Laugh

On May 20th I posted that I had received a package from my Secret Sister and she wanted me to take pictures. Well the weather hasn't been cooperating until today. So as I promised, I set up the props and got into costume and had my personal photographer do a photo shoot. Now mind you, I don't always dress like this but if I could be swept away to a tropical paradise with white sandy beaches you might catch me looking something like this.

But first let me tell you about some of the props. I have to tell you I have the most creative SS and she went all out. She even sent me a white sandy beach and sea shells. Got ya'll trying to guess now don't I? Now no fair scrolling ahead and peaking! Now minus a knitting or crochet project, I am set to sit here and soak up the sun with tropical drink in hand and some snacks to keep me sustained. And if it gets too warm I just turn on my handy dandy little personal fan to cool myself down. If I decide that I have been sitt
ing for a little too long and need to give my drink a break I have some wonderful Bird of Paradise seeds I can plant with my beach/garden tools. Then as the day goes by and the sun begins to set, I can light the citranella candle to set the mood and keep those pesky bugs away.

Thank you very much SS whoever you are!


Pam said...

GREAT PICTURE - looks like fun!! -Pam

Anonymous said...

How perfect - you have a SUPER secret sis!