Who Is This Gal Named Teri?

I have tried several times with no avail to publish my picture in my profile, so here it is.

I am happily married to a wonderful man who supports me in everything I do. We each have 3 children. I have a son and two daughters and he has a daughter and two sons. This blog is one of my hobbies as is loom knitting, needle knitting, crocheting, sewing and quilting. I do custom sewing, specializing in formal dresses and I also do minor alterations/repairs.

I hope you enjoy my site and visit often.

Feel free to leave me a comment, I love reading them!

1 comment:

Barb said...

Well, I see I'm commenting on a really old blog. However, I was surfing around looking for a pattern for a prayer shawl on the KK loom, and lo and behold - you have done a beautiful one! I love your humor too - keep up the great work and crazy life!